Sam Peone | September 20, 2022

Spokane housing prices significantly lower than similar markets.

“Despite rising housing costs, property values, and business expenses across the country, Spokane County is a good place to move.”

-Gary Ballew | Vice President of Economic Development | Greater Spokane Incorporated

“All these things are relative,” says Ballew. Costs for many things in Spokane have increased, but real estate prices still haven’t hit the levels of Boise, Salt Lake City, and other markets in the intermountain west region. “Although we’re quickly approaching them, you can still find a house for less money,” he says.
According to the Boise Regional Realtors’ website, the median sales price for a single family home in Ada County, Idaho, where Boise is, was $592,090 in June 2022, up from $525,000 at the same time last year.

The median sales price in Salt Lake County was $555,000 in May 2022, up from a median of $450,700 in May 2021, according to the Utah Association of Realtors’ website. Comparatively, Spokane’s housing prices were significantly lower. The median closed price for a home in Spokane in June was $440,000, up from $380,000 in June of last year, says Rob Higgins, Executive Vice President for the Spokane Association of Realtors.

The average housing price at closing for the county was $478,932, up from $418,982 last year, says Higgins. All Spokane figures are for single family site built homes on less than one acre including condominiums.

Spokane is cheaper than many nearby markets, such as Boise, Seattle, Portland, and some areas in California, he says. The median housing price for the western region, which Includes 11 states, was more than $500,000, he says.

“If you’re comparing prices, you’re saying, ‘Hey, Spokane has pretty good prices,’ even if those of us here are going, ‘Wow, look at those prices!’” says Higgins. In addition to the city, Spokane County has several towns that are great options to move to as well. Ballew says Airway Heights continues to grow, and there are “sparks” of growth in the Medical Lake and Cheney markets.

“I think what you’ll see is surrounding communities picking up that growth as well,” he says.
Up north, the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce is looking at ways local can work in that area without having to commute so far, he says.

Higgins says there are many attractions in the Spokane area. Residents can enjoy all four seasons and a downtown with several amenities. Additionally, we have easy access to water in the hot summer months, an amenity we often take for granted in this region.

“I just spent a week in Texas…water (and water pressure) is a concern,” says Higgins. “You fast-forward 20 years, and it’s going to be more of a concern.” According to the U.S. Department of Interior’s website, the intermountain west covers interior parts of Washington, Oregon, and California, along with sections or all of: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. Areas within the intermountain west are the future, Higgins says.

“The coast is getting too congested,” he says.

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